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    Monday, January 6, 2020

    No Man's Sky 3 hours later, I made it

    No Man's Sky 3 hours later, I made it

    3 hours later, I made it

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:29 AM PST

    UPDATE: Pet Diplo Island now my private resort

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:00 AM PST

    Climbed a hill to check out the view and was greeted with this. Awesome

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:47 AM PST

    My roommate is a makeup artist and she tried doing the No Man's Sky Atlas logo on her face! I think it is super fly and had to show yall fellow NMS fans!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:00 PM PST

    This game is much more beautiful than I ever imagined.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:06 AM PST

    My first real Base build. Plan on unlocking and upgrading with new materials.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:10 AM PST

    One of my favourite captures, taken mid-jump

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:05 AM PST

    It’s been an intense 4 hours in Permadeath! I just broke 1 mil last night, got an A class explorer, and had over 1,000 nanites that I spent. I’m going for the center of the galaxy, wish me luck!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Someday we'll find it. The rainbow connection.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:18 AM PST

    River Bends

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:58 PM PST


    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:34 PM PST

    opinion: what we've lost in all the noise

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:40 PM PST

    Coco Chanel said "beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself."

    I've been riding the hype train hard on No Man's Sky, since well before launch. In fact, I made the damn hype train gif that perenially makes the rounds with each update. I felt the game was fantastic right at launch. Transcendant, even. Love or hate version 1.0 you must admit there was nothing like it. Now, 3 years later Hello Games has intently listened to the community and steadily added features players wanted until we've arrived at a point of redemption among the gaming community. Although it feels great to see the positive reception this title has so richly deserved, I have mixed feelings on the road we took to get here.

    It's incredibly hard to be a creator or an artist. Whatever the medium, people's first instinct is to want more of what they already know, and shy away from something new until they get familiar. If we're talking about food, look at the proliferation of chain restaurants. If we're talking about movies, look at all the sequels, remakes, and spin-offs. And ask any musician who plays in a band with a mix of covers and originals what gets the most requests and applause. People just want what they already know. Not too long ago I saw Paul McCartney in concert and he said "when we play the old Beatles songs I look out into the crowd it looks like a galaxy of lights, people's phones all lit up. And when we play our new songs it's like a black hole. But guess what, we don't care, we're gonna play 'em anyway." Yeah Paul, go on and do you, you've earned it. I wish Hello Games would adopt more of that outlook.

    What sold me on the NMS pre-release trailers was the vision. Colorful, vivid Sci-fi with a hopeful, uplifting sense of infinite possibility. Alien plants and animals in an endless array of unique configurations--that was precisely the word they used, "unique." I've played the game a lot, getting close to 1000hrs now, but if I'm being real, after maybe a hundred hours or less I stopped seeing anything new. Why is that?

    To back up a step, let me levy some praise and say how I feel: NMS is incredibly special, and despite any critique I make, it is very likely going to be my favorite game, all time, any system, any era. I evangelize it to anyone who will listen, sometimes excessively. It's beauty is often literally breathtaking, its "take off and fly to a new planet any second you feel like it" gameplay is never going to get F-ing old for me, and the lonely wanderer feel at it's core is just my speed, just my outlook. The universe really is bigger than your biggest idea of big and finding some meaning within it is all on you. And the VR, oh my god the VR is a milestone in the medium and a gift from the gaming gods. NMS has shattered my concept of how big a game can actually be. I've collected all the NMS merchandise I can get my hands on, I've got books, models, t-shirts, pins, and I've built 2 PCs just mainly to play this game better (one before day 1, another for VR). I can't love it any harder.

    With all that said... I cannot help but feel a tinge of wistfulness, maybe even a sense of loss, when I say to myself, imagine what this game mighy look like right now if they never added bases, and instead just kept pouring more animal parts into the procedural generation. Doubled down on version 1.0... More spaceship parts to bolt onto the existing fighter/hauler/explorer/shuttles. More freighter designs, more mineral styles, more cave elements, more parts to create procdural plants, more procedural elements to the buildings. More multi-tools, more animal behaviors. More procedural everything. Because NONE of the above have changed since version 1.0. NONE of that!!

    Obviously people love their bases and busywork/structure adds mass appeal. People need their space chicken fetch quests REALLY BAD, apparently. Admittedly I do enjoy the majority of the new elements, but man, it's staggering to think of the opportunity cost. For that matter it's equally perplexing to me; why have they done nothing to expand the very things which give NMS its own identity?? I have to laugh a bit at the people who say the game is "good now", since, again, all the very stuff which gives it it's unique swagger... none of that has really changed at all! The rock NMS stands on is space flight and planetary exploration.

    I feel like I was going to go out to an exotic restaurant serving like Tibetan, but we picked up lots of friends along the way and somehow wound up at a place serving high-end novelty burgers with like apples and strange cheeses. Okay, it's delicious, we can agree, but we had originally set off to have a rare and special treat and somehow that got derailed and turned into something I've already eaten many times. The fetch quests, the linear plotline, the base building, the farming--we've already eaten this meal before! And let's be honest, some other game did each of those elements better. None of those things are what makes NMS special or are even the reason WHY people should play it.

    In a recent article, mega used car dealer Carmax broke down the colors most popular in america: black, white, gray, and silver... these total 73% of their sales when added together. I find that a damning indictment. People are just BLAND. The world somehow has this homogenizing effect, for better or worse. I am kind of hoping that future updates DON'T introduce ship painting because guess what WILL happen? 73% of players will have black, white, gray, and silver ships. :/ And the NMS subreddit will be innundated with "check out my sweet black fighter" posts, as players do their best to drain the color out of this bright universe. #NoPaintJobs

    This last weekend I had the chance to walk down State Street in Madison Wisconsin near where I grew up and I was kind of disgusted to see how so many of the small independent shops have been forced out by chains, devoid of personality. There's some hardy holdouts still keeping it colorful but damn, look at what we did. Property values may have played a part, but I'm betting it was moreso people voting with their wallets. If we don't walk in and spend money at those quirky shops with the funky characters hanging out, that stuff disappears and we have forced our own selves into a flavorless corporate world of nothing but Starbucks and McDonalds. I'd like to think humans are more interesting than that milquetoast BS.

    But if I get a little dark, and if I'm really being brutally, savagely honest... I kinda do think most people lack style, taste, or personality. That we really are boring, afraid to stand out, hesitant to choose something daring or colorful. Not because we crave antiseptic soullessness, but because we are simply so comfortable with what we already know, inside our little boxes, going with the flow and doing what's easy, what's expected. I'm not trying to claim that I myself am any better than the average person, but I am saying when someone like Sean Murray comes along with his brilliant concepts, I find it sad that everyone wants to cram him back into the box of conformity.

    If Hello Games just listens to the community and only does what they ask, at some point they risk losing the pizzaz, the magic that drew people in to begin with. I think there's a fork in the road now. In order to get mainstream acceptance they needed to infuse all those traditional gamer-y elememts to answer the undying question NMS outsiders always ask, "what do I do in this game?" The narrative has changed, the game is selling and popular, HG has done it, success... But for all the die hards, all the people who were here since before the flood, I think we're collectively wondering when HG will remember who they really are, to get back in touch with the vision that started it all.

    There's been a lot of talk about the 3 pillars of the Visions Update, but what about the original 4 pillars? (and remind me what #1 was again?) If Hendrix only played what other people wanted him to play, if Van Gogh conformed to the normal ways of making paintings, we'd have no masterpieces, we'd need less museums and have less great art to treasure.

    Sean, Beau, Innes, Grant, and all the rest, these people are visionaries in a world that wants the same damn game we've already played, with a new paint job. Exploration, variety, procedural generation, colorful retro Sci-Fi art; these are the bedrock of what makes NMS different. Sean and Grant quit EA and formed Hello Games to get away from the stale corporate world of making the same product over and over in different hues. Now their new bosses (the community) have been calling the shots for so long I'm seriously wondering if the actual creators still remember what their own goals were, back before the game went gold.

    I love a good wish list and the endless churn of debate over features within our community but I also think we as a community should step back and ask if ourselves if the legacy of No Mans Sky will be stunted: that Project Skyscraper didn't live up to everything it was originally meant to be, because the noise and clamor about what traditional gaming element "needs" to be added has overpowered the quiet thoughtfulness of asking why someone might feel compelled to boot up this game in another 10 years from now. The secret ingredient is being yourself.

    submitted by /u/microcosmologist
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    Man am I glad I got that heat protection

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:51 AM PST

    Yes! Finally nabbed a giant freighter!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:09 AM PST

    Matching planets (nope, not a moon)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:19 AM PST

    My latest find - a native S class T1 explorer with 180 hyperdrive bonus

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:28 AM PST

    And all around us, there's nothing to hear but the deafening silence of the galaxy's heartbeat.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:49 AM PST

    Stony spikes, or spikey stones? Anyway, the lighting is just beautiful. ❤️

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:44 AM PST

    Probably the next iPhone be like

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:11 AM PST

    Found this funny creature while playing. I love this game.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:16 AM PST

    Here and There

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:03 AM PST

    How I spent my weekend!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:53 AM PST

    What a weekend! Finally my S-Class Freighter, fully upgraded! Putting the finishing touches on the new interior layout (Pics soon) - Thanks to some great new friends, we had a blast playing this weekend!

    submitted by /u/wx_Striker
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    Wish we could search for systems in the galaxy map.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:37 AM PST

    Because I found a perfect planet I wanna make a home on but it was found through a Nexus mission warp. Would love to know where it was on the map. Hopefully one day we can.

    Edit: I found it on the space station teleporter.

    submitted by /u/TheGamerKitty1
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    Are four ring planets common?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:11 PM PST

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